FCC License Grants Summary for IA week ending 08/24/24 Neither the FCC nor the web master of this site shall be liable for any errors in the content or for any actions taken in reliance thereon. IA Grants 8/17/24 IA Grants 8/18/24 IA Grants 8/19/24 DAY, RUSSELL D IA Grants 8/20/24 JORDAN CREEK TOWN CENTER IA Grants 8/21/24 Absolute Energy LLC CLEAR CREEK AMANA COMMUNITY SCHOOL DISTRICT JONES, COUNTY OF University of Iowa - Hospitals & Clinics University Of Iowa & Hawkeye Tennis and Recreation Complex IA Grants 8/22/24 CHESTERMAN BOTTLING COMPANY INC. Jesup Community Schools Sac and Fox Tribe of the Mississippi in Iowa IA Grants 8/23/24 FARNHAM, TRENT Jensen, Faron MONTICELLO, CITY OF